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Pat Rafter - What I like about being a dad
Posted in: people
pat_head   When we think of Father's Day, we think about all the great things our dads have done for us. They might have made us laugh, given us a hug in rough times or taught us some brilliant life lesson. Father's Day is coming up on the 1st of September so now's the time to conjure up all those warm and fuzzy feelings about your dad and give him something to show you care about him. (You may want to check out our Dad's Day Gift Guide, while you're at it.) In our Father's Day quest to celebrate the patriarch in all of our tribes, we caught up with the father of Aussie tennis and our great mate, Pat Rafter who helped us discover that dads actually love being dads too. Take it away Pat...

Pat Rafter: 3 things I love about being a dad...

 1. Spending free time with the kids This is the time when I don't have do the "parent thing" - it's a time to be their friend. Hanging out with my kids includes playing on the beach, walking through new cities or even just hanging around the house making animals out of play-doe. 2. Watching the kids play sports As a father, I naturally want my kids to do their best. That's something I try to instil in them as part of the qualities that help one to succeed in all of life's challenges. 3. Being a good father means being a good husband My wife and I aren't always going to see eye-to-eye but what we do is agree to disagree and stand united over big decisions in the family. Unknown-1 Unknown-2 Unknown-3
11 years ago
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